Thursday, December 23, 2010

Day 11... Christmas Treat and Birthday Cake

Morning Weigh-In: 239 lbs
Total Loss: 13 lbs

WOW! Four pounds in one 24 hour period! That's incredible. Can't remember the last time I was below 240. All thanks to the 4-Hour Body!

Today is the Eve of Christmas Eve... last day in the office at MetalCloak until Monday, and sure enough more vendor gifts and co-workers wife's bringing goodies.

Zucchini bread, fudge, mint chocolate chip cookies, chocolate dipped pretzels, snicker doodles... and on and on and on.

Such temptation!!!

On top of that, because it is a big shipping day for us, we decided to get some pizzas for the staff.

How close I was to saying screw it. But no... I moved beyond my temptations, and only snacked on some cashews and pistachios.

For lunch (having not brought lunch to the office) I ran over to Carl's Jr and had their Low-Carb $6 burger but without the cheese, ketchup, mustard and mayo. Not a bad solution, but I wouldn't normally recommend it.

Then, tonight, the beginning of my holiday treats... my nephew's birthday and a small slice of Ice Cream Cake... Yum!

The Meals...

Hard boiled egg and a Persian Cucumber.

Carl's Jr.'s Low Carb 6-dollar Burger without cheese or condiments.

Snacks: Cashews and Pistachios

Fried eggs, Kimchi, Trader Joe's Spicy Soybeans, Sauteed Veggies.

Desert: Ice cream cake.

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