Monday, May 05, 2008

Termination & Personal Belongings


I wish to formally request the following:

1. Please mail me a letter of termination detailing the reasons as laid out in this morning's meeting. You can mail it to the address on file.

2. A cursory look at my belongings proved that much is missing. I therefore request an escort to my former workstation (after hours if that works best for the foundation) so that I may secure the rest of my personal belongings. Please have the two crates from my office at TechEd that were paletized in the warehouse also in that space so that I may retrieve personal items from there as well.

Thank you,

Matson Breakey

1 comment:

Unknown said...

A follow up to this note. The Foundation never permitted me to go back to my work area, though they did gather more items, search for specifics that I could remember missing, but some items like my production graphs they have not returned.