Thursday, January 22, 2015

It's A Merger Kind of Thing... Day 4 #YourTurnChallenge

Inspiration for ideas and action comes from interesting places. 

The 7 Day Your Turn Challenge has had its moment of inspiration for me... it wasn't just about blogging again after many moons of being absent from the medium, it was about how I was to blog.

As I mentioned in the Day 1 Post, I've had many blogs, under many names. 

All of which were set with a business purpose in mind. Whether it was for promoting software, a conference or just getting affiliate dollars, each blog was, in essence, an insincere reflection of me and my ideas.

All except one. Matsonian's Rants. That was, for better or worse, a reflection of my ideas, my thoughts and what I wanted to share.

It was pure. But then came Facebook. And the ideas migrated. Thoughts. Pictures. It was all shared on Facebook.

Who needs a blog, right?

But my realization was that I do. I need a blog. Well more so, I need an outlet for my thoughts. And a blog is as good a place as any. 

That's the inspiration so what's the action? I merged them. I merged all the blogs. Each of my little post places. Sincere or not, all got merged into one new blog at

So now the blog is back to sharing my thoughts, sharing my inspiration, sharing my action.

Cross platform. Cross discipline. 

And truly crossed ideas.

The Blog of Matson "Matsonian" Breakey. 

Thank you.

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